fresh start

Popping in real quick with a 2B weekly challenge.  I’ve been experimenting more in Photoshop lately. I am loving the watercolor and splatter textures & brushes.  So when I came across a tutorial mixing watercolors and other textures in the spring issue of Somerset’s Digital Studio, by Nikki Smith, I just had to give it a try.  Fresh-Start

’til next time,

When in doubt . . .


I had a little plaque around here somewhere with that saying on it.  It used to hang on the door that opened to the red room (what else 😉 ) that used to be the “photo suite”.  However, I learned (the hard way) that a red room is not very conducive to optimal lighting for photography despite having the best window in the house for natural light.  The red room is now my son’s room.  Someday, it will return to being the photo suite … with a new coat of paint.  Where was all this leading… Oh yea, RED!  Just so happens to be my favorite color and this week’s 52×52.  The only hard part about this week’s challenge was actually deciding on what to photograph…there’s something red everywhere!

Strawberry fields forever…

strawberry-bowlMy favorite fruit, so happens it’s red.  Coincidence?

strawberry_painterlystrawberry-lineupstrawberry-colorboardI found so many things red to photograph that I haven’t even had a chance to go through them all.  Stay tuned for RED Part II.

’til next time,

Shout outs to Kim Klassen Textures, Florabella Actions, & French Kiss Textures!



Easter-WishesTil next time,

On the right path

Whew… made it.  Happy Friday!  I really wanted to make sure to get my KK Texture Tuesday and 2B link ups in before the week was out (one of those weekly resolutions I set for myself).  I know, technically, I still have a day left in the week; but when the weekend hits, finding a moment can be an even bigger challenge.

So I hear spring started this week… not in my neighborhood.  It’s still cold, windy, and I even saw a few snowflakes today.  Well, I’m not waiting anymore.

sunny-tulipI love that if I feel it (the warmth). . . if I dream it (the sun). . . I can create it!  I can wiggle my nose too 😉  Of course, a little Kim magic doesn’t hurt either.

The process: A lesson on text & paths from Kim over at 2B this week.
Texture:  KK Sophia.