Shooting Excuses – Not any more

Disclaimer:  Forgive me if I’m doing this wrong, I’m a bit of a novice when it comes to sharing, tweeting, re-posting, etc. etc. etiquette.  But I guess if you’re given the option to repost it’s okay… right?

Anyway, if you’re like me and have been making excuses while waiting for spring to sprout, there are so many great ideas in this post that I just had to share.  Seriously, I have no excuses now 🙂

Photofocus (old site)

Nikon D800, 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 VR lens @28mm, f/8, 9 frame HDR, ISO 800, finished with Lightroom and Photomatix pro.

There’s a great podcast I listen to each week, and it really helps with my creativity. It’s called Writing Excuses, and it’s intended for fiction authors. Their topics, however, often apply to all creatives (one I especially liked was this one about using your experience to influence your work). It’s only fifteen minutes long, and at the end they always give a writing prompt.

The prompt is powerful because no matter what kind of difficulty you’re having creating, taking this assignment gets your juices going and helps you get to work. That’s one of my favorite things about commercial work: my clients have goals in mind, and that channels my creativity and makes it easier to be a problem solver. Left to myself, wondering what to shoot is just too…

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